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The Graph


To integrate the Sablier subgraphs or indexers into your project, start from the official @sablier/subgraphs repository.

Github - sablier-labs/subgraphs: Sablier SubgraphsGitHub

We recommend using:


To contribute to the subgraphs or deploy your own, head over to the GitHub subgraphs repository. Get started by reviewing the apps/lockup directory.

To bootstrap a subgraph project, run the following commands. They will install the requisite dependencies and generate the code for a Ethereum Sepolia deployment.

cd ./apps/lockup
yarn install
yarn setup:sepolia

To deploy a new subgraph on Ethereum Sepolia:

  1. Create a new item using The Graph's hosted network
  2. Add its name/endpoint under the deploy:sepolia script in package.json
  3. Add your own Sablier contract addresses in ../constants/chains/sepolia.ts
  4. Make sure you're authenticated on your local machine
  5. Run yarn deploy:sepolia

You can read more about how the The Graph works in their official docs.

To publish on the hosted service:

  1. Authenticate with the hosted service credentials

    graph auth --product hosted-service <ACCESS_TOKEN>
  2. Generate configuration

    Run yarn deploy:<chain_name> to generate imports, configurations and deploy in the same script.



To integrate the Sablier indexers into your own product, start from the official @sablier/subgraphs repository. We recommend using:

If you're integrated the Sablier subgraphs, we recommend using request and response wrappers/middleware to format results coming from Envio's indexer in the same shape as those from The Graph. Suggestions:

  1. Write queries in both systems (based on the querying language specifics) using the same operationName and swap query strings between vendors based on it
  2. Write response middleware that converts results into similar shapes (see these important notes)
Github - sablier-labs/subgraphs: Sablier SubgraphsGitHub


To ensure Envio indexers deliver the same data as The Graph's subgraphs, we've written differential tests for our indexer configurations.

Check them out inside the apps/[...]/test/ folders.

Github - sablier-labs/subgraphs: Sablier Subgraphs@sablier-labs/subgraphs


The differentials tests are powered by Jest. Inside test/setup/constants.ts, you will find the full configuration for these tests. This is where you'll also be able to toggle between using the local endpoint (see development to bootstrap a project locally) and the hosted-service one, using the REMOTE flag.

pnpm run test

As the set of streams or campaigns grows, the final tests (full coverage over the entire list of elements) may time out. We suggest either splitting them in chunks or setting a manual limit to the number of iterations the loop can cover at once. Alternatively, you could also try increasing the timeout of the tests.


To contribute to the V2 indexers (Envio x Sablier) or deploy your own, head over to the GitHub subgraphs repository. Get started by reviewing the apps/lockup-envio directory.

To bootstrap an indexer project, run the following commands. They will install the requisite dependencies and generate the code for a multi-chain deployment.

cd ./apps/lockup-envio
pnpm install
pnpm run setup

# OR

pnpm dev

A local Hasura process will be started at http://localhost:8080 ,which will also include a GraphQL endpoint to query locally. To deploy without hosting yourself, have a look at the Envio Hosted Service docs.


Prior to starting the Envio process (pnpm dev) please make sure your Docker app is running. For installation see the official docs at

Sablier SDK: Merkle API


To integrate the Sablier Merkle API into your own product, start from the official @sablier/merkle-api repository. We recommend using:

Github - sablier-labs/merkle-api: Sablier Merkle API (Airstreams)GitHub


To contribute to the V2 Merkle API or deploy your own, head over to the GitHub merkle-api repository. Get started by reviewing the controllers directory.

Run an instance


In order to make the API work properly, you will need to create a .env file by following the .env.example file:


After a campaign is created via the API, we use Pinata to upload and pin the file to IPFS. In order to obtain the PINATA_API_KEY, PINATA_SECRET_API_KEY and PINATA_ACCESS_TOKEN, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up or log in on
  2. Select the API Keys tab
  3. Select New Key
  4. The key should have the permissions pinFileToIPFS and pinJSONToIPFS
  5. Set a name for the key
  6. Click Create Key
  7. From the popup, take the API Key and the API Secret and put them in the .env file. The IPFS_GATEWAY variable can be any IPFS gateway but we recommend using a private one (Pinata offers this as well). For more details about the interactions with IPFS, check src/services/
  8. Select the "Access Controls" tab
  9. Click on the "Request Token" button
  10. Copy the token and put in th .env file in the PINATA_ACCESS_TOKEN variable

Simulate the cloud environment by finally running:

cargo run --bin sablier_merkle_api

This command will run a standard web API and expose it on port 3000 on localhost.


We use Vercel for hosting, and this is why we have separate binaries for each endpoint. For local development, use this command:

vercel dev

This command will run a standard web API and expose it on port 3000 on localhost.

If you wish to deploy your backend to vercel, check the official Github Actions workflow for deploying. Rust is supported through Vercel's rust runtime.